Incrementality with Sessions

A task is consistent if its dependencies are consistent, and consistency of file dependencies is based on the filesystem. However, the filesystem can change during a build, meaning that a task can be affected by multiple different changes in one build. For example, after executing a task, it could immediately be affected by a change in a source file again without the build system knowing about it, and that would not be minimal nor sound.

Therefore, we will introduce the concept of a session. Builds are only performed in a session, and at most one session may exist at any given time. In one session, each task is checked or executed at most once, meaning that changes made to source files during a session are not guaranteed to be detected.

The result is that if a task is deemed inconsistent at the time it is checked, it will be executed and made consistent, and will not be checked nor executed any more that session. If a task is deemed consistent at the time it is checked, it will not be checked any more that session. This simplifies incrementality and correctness, as we do not need to worry about checking tasks multiple times. Furthermore, it is also an optimisation, as requiring the same task many times only results in one check.

We will continue as follows:

  1. Create the Session type to hold all session data, and the Pie type as an entry point into the build system that manages a session.
  2. Update TopDownContext to work with Session.
  3. Update the incrementality example to work with Session and Pie.
  4. Ensure minimality by keeping track whether a task has been required this session.

PIE and Session

Change the imports in pie/src/

Now add the Pie and Session types to pie/src/

/// Main entry point into PIE, a sound and incremental programmatic build system.
pub struct Pie<T, O> {
  store: Store<T, O>,

impl<T: Task> Default for Pie<T, T::Output> {
  fn default() -> Self { Self { store: Store::default() } }

impl<T: Task> Pie<T, T::Output> {
  /// Creates a new build session. Only one session may be active at once, enforced via mutable (exclusive) borrow.
  pub fn new_session(&mut self) -> Session<T, T::Output> { Session::new(self) }
  /// Runs `f` inside a new build session.
  pub fn run_in_session<R>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(Session<T, T::Output>) -> R) -> R {
    let session = self.new_session();

/// A session in which builds are executed.
pub struct Session<'p, T, O> {
  store: &'p mut Store<T, O>,
  current_executing_task: Option<TaskNode>,
  dependency_check_errors: Vec<io::Error>,

impl<'p, T: Task> Session<'p, T, T::Output> {
  fn new(pie: &'p mut Pie<T, T::Output>) -> Self {
    Self {
      store: &mut,
      current_executing_task: None,
      dependency_check_errors: Vec::default(),

  /// Requires `task`, returning its up-to-date output.
  pub fn require(&mut self, task: &T) -> T::Output {
    todo!("Create TopDownContext with this session, and require the task")

  /// Gets all errors produced during dependency checks.
  pub fn dependency_check_errors(&self) -> &[io::Error] { &self.dependency_check_errors }

We set up the types such that Pie owns the store, and Session owns all data for a build session that TopDownContext previously owned. We put the store in Pie because we want to keep the dependency graph and task outputs between build sessions, otherwise we cannot be incremental.

A Session is created with Pie::new_session, which borrows Pie mutibly, ensuring that there can only be one Session instance (per Pie instance). run_in_session is a convenience method that runs given function inside a new session.

Session::require should require the task with the top-down context and return its up-to-date output, which we will implement once we’ve changed TopDownContext. The dependency check errors can be accessed with Session::dependency_check_errors.

Note that Session also has access to Store, because TopDownContext needs access to the store. The store is mutibly borrowed from Pie. Therefore, the Session struct is generic over the 'p lifetime, where the p stands for Pie. We can leave out this lifetime in Pie::new_session, because the compiler infers it from us, but we must be explicit in structs and most impls.

Check that the code compiles (but gives warnings) with cargo check.

Now we need to modify TopDownContext to work with Session.

Update TopDownContext

Change TopDownContext to only contain a mutable reference to Session in pie/src/context/

Here, we use lifetime 's to denote the lifetime of a session, and make TopDownContext generic over it. new now just accepts a mutable reference to the session. The get_dependency_check_errors method can be removed. We add a require_initial convenience method for Session.

In the rest of the file, we need to update the impl lines to include the lifetimes, and we need to replace most instances of self with self.session. You could do this with the following find-replace regex: self\.([\w\d_]+)\. -> self.session.$1.

Change pie/src/context/

Now we change Session to use TopDownContext.

Update Session

Change pie/src/

We reset the current_executing_task to None, to be sure that we start a build without an executing task. Then, we just create a TopDownContext and call require_initial.

Finally, we can now make the context module private, as users of the library run builds using Session, instead of having to create a context implementation. Change pie/src/

Check that the code compiles with cargo check --lib. This only checks if the library builds, but not any examples. We need to update the incrementality example to work with these changes.

Update incremental example

Change pie/examples/ to use sessions:

When we only require one task, we replace context.require_task with pie.new_session().require. When we want to require multiple tasks, we use new_session and call session.require multiple times.

It is very important to create a new session each time in this example, because a task is only checked/executed once each session. If we use a single session, our changes are never seen, and we just execute each task once, which is not what we want. Therefore, every time we make changes to source files, or expect that changes have been made to source files, we must create a new session.

Multiple Sessions?

In changes D and E, Rust is smart enough to allow creating a new session even though the previous session variable is still active, because it knows that we don’t use that previous session anymore.

Check that the example works with cargo run --example incremental, and check that the rest of the code works by running cargo test.


Now we can ensure incrementality by keeping track whether a task has been required this session. Change pie/

We add the consistent field to Session which is a hash set over task nodes. We create a new one each session, because we only want to keep track of which tasks are consistent on a per-session basis.

Now change the top-down context in pie/context/ to use this:

At the start of requiring a task, we check whether the task is already deemed consistent this session, using the consistent hash set in Session. If the task is consistent, we skip execution by using !already_consistent && in the if check. Because && is short-circuiting (also called lazy), we even skip the entire should_execute call that checks whether we should execute a task, when the task is already consistent. This increases performance when a lot of consistent tasks are required.

Finally, at the end of require, we insert the task node into the consistent hash set, to denote that the task is now consistent this session. That’s it! This was a simple change due to the work we did before to get the Session API in place.

With this new API in place, incrementality of task checking and execution in place, and all code adjusted to work with it, we can continue with tracking build events.

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