Interactive Parser Development

Now we’ll create an interactive version of this grammar compilation and parsing pipeline, using Ratatui to create a terminal GUI. Since we need to edit text files, we’ll use tui-textarea, which is a text editor widget for Ratatui. Ratatui works with multiple backends, with crossterm being the default backend since it is cross-platform. Add these libraries as a dependency to pie/Cargo.toml:

We continue as follows:

  1. Set up the scaffolding for a Ratatui application.
  2. Create a text editor Buffer using tui-textarea to edit the grammar and example program files.
  3. Draw and update those text editor Buffers, and keep track of the active buffer.
  4. Save Buffers back to files and run the CompileGrammar and Parse tasks to provide feedback on the grammar and example programs.
  5. Show the build log in the application.

Ratatui Scaffolding

We will put the editor in a separate module, and start out with the basic scaffolding of a Ratatui “Hello World” application. Add editor as a public module to pie/examples/parser_dev/

Create the pie/examples/parser_dev/ file and add the following to it:

use std::io;

use crossterm::event::{DisableMouseCapture, EnableMouseCapture, Event, KeyCode, KeyEventKind};
use crossterm::terminal::{disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen};
use ratatui::backend::{Backend, CrosstermBackend};
use ratatui::Terminal;
use ratatui::widgets::Paragraph;

use crate::Args;

/// Live parser development editor.
pub struct Editor {}

impl Editor {
  /// Create a new editor from `args`.
  pub fn new(_args: Args) -> Result<Self, io::Error> {
    Ok(Self {})

  /// Run the editor, drawing it into an alternate screen of the terminal.
  pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
    // Setup terminal for GUI rendering.
    let mut backend = CrosstermBackend::new(io::stdout());
    crossterm::execute!(backend, EnterAlternateScreen, EnableMouseCapture)?;
    let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?;

    // Draw and process events in a loop until a quit is requested or an error occurs.
    let result = loop {
      match self.draw_and_process_event(&mut terminal) {
        Ok(false) => break Ok(()), // Quit requested
        Err(e) => break Err(e), // Error
        _ => {},

    // First undo our changes to the terminal.
    crossterm::execute!(terminal.backend_mut(), LeaveAlternateScreen, DisableMouseCapture)?;
    // Then present the result to the user.

  fn draw_and_process_event<B: Backend>(&mut self, terminal: &mut Terminal<B>) -> Result<bool, io::Error> {
    terminal.draw(|frame| {
      frame.render_widget(Paragraph::new("Hello World! Press Esc to exit."), frame.size());

    match crossterm::event::read()? {
      Event::Key(key) if key.kind == KeyEventKind::Release => return Ok(true), // Skip releases.
      Event::Key(key) if key.code == KeyCode::Esc => return Ok(false),
      _ => {}


The Editor struct will hold the state of the editor application, which is currently empty, but we’ll add fields to it later. Likewise, the new function doesn’t do a lot right now, but it is scaffolding for when we add state. It returns a Result because it can fail in the future.

The run method sets up the terminal for GUI rendering, draws the GUI and processes events in a loop until stopped, and then undoes our changes to the terminal. It is set up in such a way that undoing our changes to the terminal happens regardless if there is an error or not (although panics would still skip that code and leave the terminal in a bad state). This is a standard program loop for Ratatui.

Rust Help: Returning From Loops

The draw_and_process_event method first draws the GUI, currently just a hello world message, and then processes events such as key presses. Currently, this skips key releases because we are only interested in presses, and returns Ok(false) if escape is pressed, causing the loop to be breaked out.

Now we need to go back to our command-line argument parsing and add a flag indicating that we want to start up an interactive editor. Modify pie/examples/parser_dev/

We add a new Cli struct with an edit field that is settable by a short (-e) or long (--edit) flag, and flatten Args into it. Using this new Cli struct here keeps Args clean, since the existing code does not need to know about the edit flag. Instead of using a flag, you could also define a separate command for editing.

In main, we parse Cli instead, check whether cli.edit is set, and create and run the editor if it is. Otherwise, we do a batch build.

Try out the code with cargo run --example parser_dev -- test.pest main test_1.test test_2.test -e in a terminal, which should open up a separate screen with a hello world text. Press escape to exit out of the application.

If the program ever panics, your terminal will be left in a bad state. In that case, you’ll have to reset your terminal back to a good state, or restart your terminal.

Text Editor Buffer

The goal of this application is to develop a grammar alongside example programs of that grammar, getting feedback whether the grammar is correct, but also getting feedback whether the example programs can be parsed with the grammar. Therefore, we will need to draw multiple text editors along with space for feedback, and be able to swap between active editors. This will be the responsibility of the Buffer struct which we will create in a separate module. Add the buffer module to pie/examples/parser_dev/

Then create the pie/examples/parser_dev/editor/ file and add to it:


use std::fs::{File, read_to_string};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::path::PathBuf;

use crossterm::event::Event;
use ratatui::Frame;
use ratatui::layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout, Rect};
use ratatui::style::{Color, Modifier, Style};
use ratatui::widgets::{Block, Borders, Paragraph, Wrap};
use tui_textarea::TextArea;

/// Editable text buffer for a file.
pub struct Buffer {
  path: PathBuf,
  editor: TextArea<'static>,
  feedback: String,
  modified: bool,

impl Buffer {
  /// Create a new [`Buffer`] for file at `path`.
  /// # Errors
  /// Returns an error when reading file at `path` fails.
  pub fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Self, io::Error> {
    let text = read_to_string(&path)?;
    let mut editor = TextArea::from(text.lines());

    // Enable line numbers. Default style = no additional styling (inherit).

    Ok(Self { path, editor, feedback: String::default(), modified: false })

  /// Draws this buffer with `frame` into `area`, highlighting it if it is `active`.
  pub fn draw(&mut self, frame: &mut Frame, area: Rect, active: bool) {
    // Determine and set styles based on whether this buffer is active. Default style = no additional styling (inherit).
    let mut cursor_line_style = Style::default();
    let mut cursor_style = Style::default();
    let mut block_style = Style::default();
    if active { // Highlight active editor.
      cursor_line_style = cursor_line_style.add_modifier(Modifier::UNDERLINED);
      cursor_style = cursor_style.add_modifier(Modifier::REVERSED);
      block_style = block_style.fg(Color::Gray);

    // Create and set the block for the text editor, bordering it and providing a title.
    let mut block = Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).style(block_style);
    if let Some(file_name) = self.path.file_name() { // Add file name as title.
      block = block.title(format!("{}", file_name.to_string_lossy()))
    if self.modified { // Add modified to title.
      block = block.title("[modified]");

    // Split area up into a text editor (80% of available space), and feedback text (minimum of 7 lines).
    let areas = Layout::default()
      .constraints(vec![Constraint::Percentage(80), Constraint::Min(7)])
    // Render text editor into first area (`areas[0]`).
    frame.render_widget(self.editor.widget(), areas[0]);
    // Render feedback text into second area (`areas[1]`).
    let feedback = Paragraph::new(
      .block(Block::default().style(block_style).borders(Borders::ALL - Borders::TOP));
    frame.render_widget(feedback, areas[1]);

  /// Process `event`, updating whether this buffer is modified.
  pub fn process_event(&mut self, event: Event) {
    self.modified |= self.editor.input(event);

  /// Save this buffer to its file if it is modified. Does nothing if not modified. Sets as unmodified when successful.
  /// # Errors
  /// Returns an error if writing buffer text to the file fails.
  pub fn save_if_modified(&mut self) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
    if !self.modified {
      return Ok(());
    let mut file = io::BufWriter::new(File::create(&self.path)?);
    for line in self.editor.lines() {
    self.modified = false;

  /// Gets the file path of this buffer.
  pub fn path(&self) -> &PathBuf { &self.path }

  /// Gets the mutable feedback text of this buffer.
  pub fn feedback_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String { &mut }

A Buffer is a text editor for a text file at a certain path. It keeps track of a text editor with TextArea<'static>, feedback text, and whether the text was modified in relation to the file. new creates a Buffer and is fallible due to reading a file.

The draw method draws/renders the buffer (using the Ratatui frame) into area, with active signifying that this buffer is active and should be highlighted differently. The first part sets the style of the editor, mainly highlighting an active editor by using Color::Gray as the block style. Default styles indicate that no additional styling is done, basically inheriting the style from a parent widget (i.e., a block), or using the style from your terminal. The second part creates a block that renders a border around the text editor and renders a title on the upper border. The third part splits up the available space into space for the text editor (80%), and space for the feedback text (at least 7 lines), and renders the text editor and feedback text into those spaces. The layout can of course be tweaked, but it works for this example.

process_event lets the text editor process input events, and updates whether the text has been modified. save_if_modified saves the text to file, but only if modified. path gets the file path of the buffer. feedback_mut returns a mutable borrow to the feedback text, enabling modification of the feedback text.

It is up to the user of Buffer to keep track of the active buffer, sending active: true to the draw method of that buffer, and calling process_event on the active buffer. That’s exactly what we’re going to implement next.

Drawing and Updating Buffers

We’ll create Buffers in Editor and keep track of the active buffer. To keep this example simple, we’ll create buffers only for the grammar file and example program files given as command-line arguments. If you want more or less example files, you’ll have to exit the application, add those example files to the command-line arguments, and then start the application again.

Modify pie/examples/parser_dev/

Editor now has a list of buffers via Vec<Buffer> and keeps track of the active tracker via active_buffer which is an index into buffers. In new, we create buffers based on the grammar and program file paths in args. The buffers Vec is created in such a way that the first buffer is always the grammar buffer, with the rest being example program buffers. The grammar buffer always exists because args.grammar_file_path is mandatory, but there can be 0 or more example program buffers.

draw_and_process_event now splits up the available space. First vertically: as much space as possible is reserved for buffers, with at least 1 line being reserved for a help line at the bottom. Then horizontally: half of the horizontal space is reserved for a grammar buffer, and the other half for program buffers. The vertical space for program buffers (program_buffer_areas) is further divided: evenly split between all program buffers.

Then, the buffers are drawn in the corresponding spaces with active only being true if we are drawing the active buffer, based on the active_buffer index.

In the event processing code, we match the Control+T shortcut and increase the active_buffer index. We wrap back to 0 when the active_buffer index would overflow, using a modulo (%) operator, ensuring that active_buffer is always a correct index into the buffers Vec. Finally, if none of the other shortcuts match, we send the event to the active buffer.

Try out the code again with cargo run --example parser_dev -- test.pest main test_1.test test_2.test -e in a terminal. This should open up the application with a grammar buffer on the left, and two program buffers on the right. Use Control+T to swap between buffers, and escape to exit.

Saving Buffers and Providing Feedback

Next up is saving the buffers, running the compile grammar and parse tasks, and show feedback from those tasks in the feedback space of buffers. Modify pie/examples/parser_dev/

The biggest addition as at the bottom: the save_and_update_buffers method. This method first clears the feedback text for all buffers, and saves all buffers (if save is true). Then we create a new PIE session and require the compile grammar task and parse tasks, similar to compile_grammar_and_parse in the main file. Here we instead writeln! the results to the feedback text of buffers.

We store the rule_name in Editor as that is needed to create parse tasks, and store a Pie instance so that we can create new PIE sessions to require tasks.

When the Control+S shortcut is pressed, we call save_and_update_buffers with save set to true. We also call save_and_update_buffers in Editor::new to provide feedback when the application starts out, but with save set to false, so we don’t immediately save all files. Finally, we update the help line to include the Control+S shortcut.

Try out the code again with cargo run --example parser_dev -- test.pest main test_1.test test_2.test -e in a terminal. Now you should be able to make changes to the grammar and/or example programs, press Control+S to save modified files, and get feedback on grammar compilation and parsing example programs. If you like, you can go through the pest parser book and experiment with/develop a parser.

Showing the Build Log

We’ll add one more feature to the editor: showing the build log. We can do this by writing the build log to an in-memory text buffer, and by drawing that text buffer. Modify pie/examples/parser_dev/

In new we now create the Pie instance with a writing tracker: WritingTracker::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new())). This writing tracker writes to a Cursor, specifically Cursor<Vec<u8>> for which Write is implemented. We modify the type of the pie field to include the tracker type to reflect this: WritingTracker<Cursor<Vec<u8>>>. Build logs will then be written to the Vec<u8> inside the Cursor.

To draw the build log in between the buffers and help line, we first modify the layout split into root_areas: buffers now take up 70% of vertical space, and add a new constraint for the build log which takes 30% of vertical space.

We access the in-memory buffer via &self.pie.tracker().writer().get_ref(), convert this to a string via String::from_utf8_lossy, and convert that to Ratatui Text which can be passed to Paragraph::new and also gives us line information for scrolling the build log. The scroll calculation is explained in the comments. We then draw the build log as a Paragraph.

Finally, we update the area for the help line from root_areas[1] to root_areas[2], as adding the layout constraint shifted the index up.

Try out the code again with cargo run --example parser_dev -- test.pest main test_1.test test_2.test -e in a terminal. Pressing Control+S causes tasks to be required, which is shown in the build log. Try modifying a single file to see what tasks PIE executes, or what the effect of an error in the grammar has.

And with that, we’re done with the interactive parser development example 🎉🎉🎉!


In this example, we developed tasks for compiling a grammar and parsing files with that grammar, and then used those tasks to implement both a batch build, and an interactive parser development environment.

In the introduction, we motivated programmatic incremental build systems with the key properties of: programmatic, incremental, correct, automatic, and multipurpose. Did these properties help with the implementation of this example application?

  • Programmatic: due to the build script – that is: the compile grammar and parse tasks – being written in the same programming language as the application, it was extremely simple to integrate. We also didn’t have to learn a separate language, we could just apply our knowledge of Rust!
  • Incremental: PIE incrementalized the build for us, so we didn’t have to implement incrementality. This saves a lot of development effort as implemented incrementality is complicated.
    • The batch build is unfortunately not incremental due to not having implemented serialization in this tutorial, but this is not a fundamental limitation. See Side Note: Serialization for info on how to solve this.
  • Correct: PIE ensures the build is correct, so we don’t have to worry about glitches or inconsistent data, again saving development effort that would otherwise be spent on ensuring incrementality is correct.
    • For a real application, we should write tests to increase the confidence that our build is correct, because PIE checks for correctness at runtime.
  • Automatic: we didn’t manually implement incrementality, but only specified the dependencies: from compile grammar/parse task to a file, and from parse tasks to compile grammar tasks.
  • Multipurpose: we reused the same tasks for both a batch build and for use in an interactive environment, without any modifications. Again, this saves development time.

So yes, I think that programmatic incremental build systems – and in particular PIE – help a lot when developing applications that require incremental batch builds or interactive pipelines, and especially when both are required. The main benefit is reduced development effort, due to not having to solve the problem of correct incrementality, due to easy integration, and due to only needing to know and use a single programming language.

Larger applications with more features and complications that need incrementality would require an even bigger implementation effort. Therefore, larger applications could benefit even more from using PIE. Of course, you cannot really extrapolate that from this small example. However, I have applied PIE to a larger application: the Spoofax Language Workbench, and found similar benefits. More info on this can be found in the appendix.

You should of course decide for yourself whether a programmatic incremental build system really helped with implementing this example. Every problem is different, and requires separate consideration as to what tools best solve a particular problem.

This is currently the end of the guided programming tutorial. In the appendix chapters, we discuss PIE implementations and publications, related work, and future work.

Download source code

Side Note: Serialization

To get incrementality between different runs (i.e., processes) of the program, we need to serialize the Store before the program exits, and deserialize the Store when the program starts.

The de-facto standard (and awesome) serialization library in Rust in serde. See the PIE in Rust repository at the pre_type_refactor tag for a version of PIE with serde serialization. For example, the Store struct has annotations for deriving serde::Deserialize and serde::Serialize. These attributes are somewhat convoluted due to serialization being optional, and due to the H generic type parameter which should not be included into serialization bounds.

You should derive serde::Deserialize and serde::Serialize for all required types in the PIE library, but also all tasks, and all task outputs. The pie_graph library support serialization when the serde feature is enabled, which is enabled by default. Then, see this serialization integration test.